Kagame Hosting the Deported Asylum Seekers from the UK is Irreconcilable with International Refugee Law – United Nations

Text by David Himbara Kagame Hosting the Deported Asylum Seekers from the UK is Irreconcilable with International…

Kagame’s Regime Has Human Rights Issues – the UK Government

Text by David Himbara The UK government has changed its stance on Rwanda’s safety and human rights…

Kagame’s Rwanda is one of the world’s impoverished countries but prosperous, says the UK government. Oh dear, what happened to the British ruling elites?

Text by David Himbara  Watching the UK government fumbling around with the “poor but rich Rwanda,” it…

Kagame and what remains of his Rwandan Patriotic Front should read the latest labour survey before celebrating their 30-year rule of poverty, unemployment, underemployment, and gender inequality

Text by David Himbara  Kagame and what remains of his Rwandan Patriotic Front should read the latest…

Kagame easily cruised into his thirty-year milestone in 2024. Here are five things he should do to sail smoothly through the next thirty years. (Satire)

Text by David Himbara  General Paul Kagame deserves credit for rebuilding Rwanda from the ashes in a…

Kagame’s dream of manufacturing mRNA medicines and Himbara’s dismissive comments about it need to be revisited. It’s a vital topic that raises important questions about the future of medicine in Africa. Let’s dive in!

Text by David Himbara  I must say that I was quite skeptical when General Paul Kagame declared…

Kagame has never confronted a complex challenge like this before, which encompasses a multitude of issues such as escalating food insecurity, reduced foreign aid, declining donor soft loans, and political seclusion.

David Himbara  The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank,…

Kagame Orders the British to Define Rwanda “a Safe Country” (Satire)

David Himbara  The Rwandan Ironman General Paul Kagame has ordered the British to describe Rwanda as…

Kagame’s Dynastic Grandiose Smells of Kim Jong Un’s North Korea

David Himbara  Letter from Rwanda Murunganwa aka Himbara, President Paul Kagame is increasingly officiating government events…

Kagame Made Former Auditor General Biraro Disappear Barely a Year After Appointing Him Executive Chairman of Crystal Ventures, the Ruling Party’s US$500 Million Business Empire

David Himbara  When you google the name OBADIAH BIRARO on the website of Crystal Ventures Ltd, the search result is SORRY,…