Kagame Blasted World Leaders at the UN General Assembly for Being All Talk and No Action when it Comes to Peace in Africa. The US Responded Forcefully.

Text by David Himbara As the saying goes, ‘Be careful what you wish for, you may just…

Desperation turns into sorrow in the aftermath of Texas school shooting

Yannick Izabayo Desperation turned to heart-wrenching sorrow for families of grade schoolers killed after an 18-year-old…

UN Security Council to Discuss Civilian Killings in Ukraine

By Yannick Izabayo The U.N. Security Council is expected to focus a meeting Tuesday on the…

African migrants on their way to Mayotte arrested in Anjouan.

The gendarmerie of the Comoros announces that it has arrested Africans who were trying to leave…

Kagame’s Military Salute to a Foreign Leader on Foreign Soil Recalls Trump’s Salute to North Korean Supreme Ruler and his Generals

South African comedian Trevor Noah once joked that Donald Trump was America’s Idi Amin Dada because of…