November 11th in France, the anniversary of the armistice of the Great War.This date is “henceforth the day of all the dead for France.”

Yannick Izabayo It is Saturday the 11/11 of the year 2023: France celebrates today the 105th…

The first round of the legislative elections in France, the left coalition and the Macron camp neck and neck! Jean-Luc Melenchon for the Prime Minister office?

Noblesse Dusabe France’s Socialist, Green, Communist and far-left parties have joined forces in an unlikely but…

What are the biggest challenges for Macron’s second term?

Rémy RUGIRA Emmanuel Macron pulled off an impressive feat as he became the first French president…

Presidential: the method of pollsters to estimate the results Sunday at 8 p.m.

Noblesse Dusabe While the majority of European countries, notably the United Kingdom, rely on exit polls…

French Vote in First Round of Tight Presidential Race 

Rémy Rugira French voted Sunday in the first round of presidential elections, amid fears of low…

Macron announces troops to leave Mali after nine years

France and its allies in a European force will withdraw their troops from Mali after almost…

Police fire tear gas as anti-Covid restrictions ‘Freedom Convoy’ enters Paris

Police fired tear gas at demonstrators on the Champs-Élysées avenue in Paris on Saturday shortly after…